I have successfully trained horses through the levels, including all FEI movements. I also enjoy training all breeds, using dressage to improve their performance in any discipline. Below is a sampling of some of my favorites.

Valentino (Reggie)

Reggie was a Thoroughbred gelding I purchased as a 10 year old, then schooling 2nd level. I competed him successfully through I-1, and was the USDF Region 5 I-1 Freestyle Champion in 1998. Later, one of my young students competed on Reggie for two years, and qualified for the NAYRC. Reggie was a happy and fabulous FEI schoolmaster right up until his untimely death from colic at 26. Photo below is Reggie at 25 years.

Exclame (X)

Exclame is a big boy. Standing 17.3, he is a 10-year old 1/2 Dutch Warmblood and 1/2 Thoroughbred gelding. Exclame basically was standing in a paddock until he was 8. He had been trail ridden but never really started working until 8.

Postulado Interagro (Lado)

In 2009, I purchased Postulado Interagro, a Lusitano stallion imported from Brazil. "Lado" and I competed at Prix St. Georges and Intermediare I and were schooling Grand Prix.

I owned and showed Lado for 2 years. He was 3rd in PSG standings for IALHA in 2010 and we had a High score of 67% at Intermediare I that same Year. Unfortunately he had colic surgery and was unable to finish the 2010 competition year and was retired. In 2014, sadly he was laid to rest.

See more of Postulado...


Cindy on McKinley


Cindy on Kashmir